Monday, November 24, 2014

Leadership Tips for Happy, Productive Working Teams.

As businesses grow, entrepreneurs need dedicated employees. However, it is important to promote a balance between work and life, in order to have a more productive staff. In addition, turnover is typically lower when companies emphasize this balance, especially when achieved through supportive and strong leadership.

Here are a couple of important tips that can make a positive difference to how your teams perform throughout the day:


The ‘affiliative’ leadership style places focus on employees and their individual needs. In general, employees are more efficient, happier, and motivated when they have more flexible schedules. Leaders typically have the power to let workers share jobs or shift schedules. One effective way to do so is not only giving employees deadlines, but also allowing them to manage their schedules in order to meet goals. When given alternatives, employees may become more focused, as well as dedicated, to finishing work.


Employees may feel happier and more balanced when they can vary their jobs throughout each day. Leaders can empower workers by breaking up their day, and suggesting employees do the same. For example, spend time doing paperwork in the morning, attend necessary meetings, and then go for a walk to process the day.  If a leader leaves early on occasion, employees should have the same freedom. This autonomy allows them to attend family events or other necessary responsibilities, once their work is completed. This also helps employees to balance their job's demands, while feeling at peace with the work they have completed. 

A work-life balance is a delicate concept. This varies for every employee and every professional. However, with 24/7 access to people and information, this balance is not as it was in the past. Entrepreneurs and leaders must spearhead positive change and foster an environment that promotes peace, balance, and extraordinary efficiency.

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