Monday, September 29, 2014

7 Check Points for Improving your Email Campaign.

According to research, email marketing remains consistently ranked the most effective digital marketing initiative with increased budgets forecasted for 2015.

Here are 7 key tips to help you get more success from your email marketing:

Know your Legal Limits
Before beginning any type of program, the absolute most important step is to understand legal requirements and ramifications. There are regulations that, if not abided by, can lead to budget-squashing penalties. Marketers are not able to use misleading, untrue, or deceiving subject lines or header information. They must also mark all emails as advertisements, and always include the business' location in the message. These emails must also have unsubscribe or opt-out opportunities. This allows recipients to stop future emails from a company. Understanding the laws involved in these programs should precede any advancement in email marketing efforts.

Don’t Over-Send
Email marketing can deliver immediate and measurable results. This can lead many entrepreneurs to up the frequency, in hopes of increasing their ROI. Unfortunately, it is easy to send too many emails, which can lead to diminishing returns. A large number of recipients unsubscribe from email lists, simply because they receive too many messages, or emails are not relevant. 

Keep your Email List Tidy
There are always emails that never make it to a recipient's inbox. This can be due to email deactivation, a full inbox, or a blocked IP address. While bounce rates of up to two percent are fairly normal, anything more can suggest a problem. Regularly clean up email lists, and look for the cause of problems. Emails that are never delivered are never read, and will never lead to a sale.

Measure Performance
Measuring performance can give marketers an edge. It helps to find opportunities, as well as identify problems. Always measure open rate, click-through rate, and conversions. An open rate refers to the number of messages that were opened, divided by the total number of messages delivered. Click-through rate is found by dividing the number of clicks on a link by the total number of emails that were opened. Lastly, conversion rate is the total number of people who took a desired action. This may include purchasing goods or services, or filling out a lead form. Conversion rate is found by dividing the number of sales or leads by the total number of recipients who opened the message.

Optimize Campaigns and Techniques
There are countless opportunities to optimize marketing efforts, especially in email. Marketers tailor subject lines, body copy, and calls to action for each unique audience. In addition, the time of day and day of the week can affect the success of a campaign. Consider reaching out to optimization professionals to help improve the effectiveness and success of a campaign by integrating proven optimization techniques.

Never Stop Being Engaging
To keep readers engaged, marketers must constantly change and alter their tactics. In many cases, recipients sign up to take part in a single promotion, like a product discount. Other users may sign up accidentally, if email subscription was a default option on a website. For these users, emails were not actively wanted, and can become nuisances. On the other hand, those who had intentionally subscribed may get tired with the content a marketer puts out. To keep them interested, it is important to tweak and adjust messaging, promotions, imaging, and other key elements.

Check your Appearance
Servers, computer settings, and other factors can completely change the way an email looks. Depending on a user's resources, various and unexpected alterations can happen, such as text changing location, or images not coming through.

To avoid these mishaps, take the time to ensure code translates to basic processing systems. If needed, leverage the help of a technical professional, or a reputable marketing firm.  Professional help can also assist to advance, promote, and optimize a campaign to deliver superior results.

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